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Kicking Butt, Preschool-Style
Preschool super heroes: this was a huge, gaping hole in the market. And in 2015, Entertainment One stepped in to fill it.
How to craft a kids' tv pitch the studios actually want to hear
Let me get my credentials out of the way: for a decade I worked in kids' tv and film for the biggest entertainment family brand the worl
We <3 Gen Z!
Here at Doobry, we work on a lot of kids' brands, shows, and movies -- so we've been studying Generation Z since they were in diaper
Announcing: The Gen Z Cheat Sheet
Need to get up to speed on Gen Z? Download our free guide here.
The Gen Z Cheat Sheet
This May, the very first Generation Z kids will finish college and enter the workforce. Born in 1995 or later and clocking in at over 25% of
How Adele Songs Can Help You Set Your Social Media Strategy in 2017 (and Forever)
"Hello, it's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything." I am sure you are familar with these...
Ready for Action
Redefining my attitude towards the new year, and the research reports on TV and entertainment reflects that 2017 will be the year of superhe
Bright Idea: Teach Kids Gay Means Happy
What would you tell your child if she asked why her friend has two moms? What would you do if your toddler boy started to dress up in prince
Sell Your Stuff, Not Your Soul
Dear creative community: I see you out there, making your groundbreaking, inspiring, amazing stuff. And breaking your bank accounts doing it
The Secret to Creating a Timeless Icon
Last week we had a very special meeting with Don and Mike Oriolo at Felix the Cat Productions studio. We LOVE meeting our clients in person.
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